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Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Postdoc Position with NIEHS/NIH

A postdoctoral research fellow position is available in the Molecular Endocrinology Group at NIEHS/NIH directed by Dr. John A. Cidlowski. The studies are focused on the role of stress hormone signaling in cardiovascular health and disease.

We seek a creative, hardworking, and independent colleague to define the role of glucocorticoids and their receptors in the heart. Expertise in cardiovascular biology, molecular biology and the use of genetically modified animals are a plus.

Applicants should possess a PhD degree in physiology/pharmacology/biochemistry with expertise in molecular biology. They must have a strong publication record and excellent communication skills. NIEHS/NIH has state of the art facilities, research cores and outstanding support for this research. Excellent salaries and health care packages are available to trainees and their families.

For consideration, please click on the button below, or provide a cover letter of interest and curriculum vitae including publications to:

Dr. John A. Cidlowski
Chief, Laboratory of Signal Transduction
NIEHS/NIH - 111 T.W. Alexander Drive
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Fax: 919-541-1367

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
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