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Saturday, December 11, 2010


Millis-Colwell Exchange Program for Early Career Scientists

Travel to Australia! The American Society for Microbiology invites its members to apply for the Millis-Colwell Exchange Program for Early Career Scientists.

This new grant, negotiated between the American Society for Microbiology (ASM USA) and the Australian Society for Microbiology (ASM Australia), allows for the exchange of one member from each society, who have recieved their PhD within the past 5 years, to present an abstract at the annual General Meeting of the other society and to spend a week at nearby research laboratory.

The grant aims to create a long lasting bond between ASM USA and ASM Australia and is designed to benefit scientists in both countries by giving them the opportunity to travel overseas to present their work and experience the best of microbiology in the partner country.

ASM USA will submit the successful applicant’s abstract for an oral or poster presentation to ASM Australia for their Annual Scientific Meeting & Exhibition. The applicant will also have negotiated an agreement to visit the research laboratory of an Australian scientist in the period either immediately before or immediately after the ASM Australia annual meeting. The award will be conditional upon ASM Australia's acceptance of the submitted abstract.


The successful applicant will be a

Funds: up to $5,000

The award will cover


The application should demonstrate to the Review Committee:

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