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Tuesday, September 16, 2008


2009-10 AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships

For 35 years, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science & Technology Policy Fellowships have provided scientists and engineers with a unique opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to national and international issues in the federal policy realm, while learning first-hand about establishing and implementing policy.

Fellows select assignments in Congressional offices or federal agencies. This is a year-long opportunity, beginning September 1 and ending August 31. Most federal agencies offer Fellows the opportunity to renew for a second year.

AAAS seeks candidates from a broad array of backgrounds and a diversity of geographic, disciplinary, gender, and ethnic perspectives. Fellows have ranged in age from late 20s to early 70s. They represent a spectrum of career stages, from recent PhD graduates to faculty on sabbatical to retired scientists and engineers. Fellows also come from a range of sectors, including academia, industry, non-profit organizations, and government labs.

AAAS partners with approximately 30 scientific and engineering societies that also sponsor fellowships. They conduct separate application and selection processes and may provide different stipend and benefits support. Individuals interested in the Science & Technology Policy Fellowships are encouraged to apply with all scientific and engineering societies for which they qualify. Please see our website for details.

Eligibility & Criteria:

To be considered for a fellowship via AAAS, successful applicants must:

- Hold a doctoral level degree (PhD, ScD, MD, DVM, etc.), in any of the following: social/Behavioral sciences, Medical/Health disciplines, Biological, Physical or Geosciences, or Engineering disciplines (applicants with a MS in engineering and three or more years of post-degree professional experience also qualify) Note: All degree requirements must be completed by the application deadline

- Have solid scientific and technical credentials and the endorsement of three references

- Show a commitment to serve society

- Exhibit good communication skills, both verbally and in writing, and the ability to engage with non-scientific audiences

- Demonstrate integrity, problem-solving ability, good judgment, flexibility, and leadership qualities

- Hold U.S. citizenship

Note: Federal employees are not eligible

Stipend and Benefits:

Stipend: Approximately $70,000 to $92,000 (depending on years of experience and previous salary).

Relocation Allowance: Up to $4,000 for first-year Fellows with stipends via AAAS if move is greater than 50 miles outside Washington, D.C.

Health Insurance: Monthly reimbursements for Fellows who receive stipends via AAAS. Insurance coverage via agency for those hired directly as temporary federal employees.

Travel/Training: Minimum of $4,000 for Fellows receiving a stipend via AAAS, to be used for fellowship assignment-related travel, conferences, and/or training. Varies by placement and must be approved by supervisor.

Professional Development: A year-long program including orientation, monthly seminars, skill building workshops, career sessions, and networking events.

APPLY: The deadline is December 15th, 2008. AAAS accepts online applications only.
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