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Sunday, February 24, 2008


International Kaloy Prize-University of Geneva

The Kaloy Foundation has created a Prize called “International Kaloy Prize - University of Geneva”, .in order to support research about the rlationship between neuro-sciences and cognitive sciences - on one hand - and the theory of knowledge and the philosophy of the brainfunction - on the other. This Prize intends to reward an exceptional and original work in neuro-sciences, cognitive sciences, biology, physics and psychology; studying the brain function and aiming to confirm, reject or elucidate some philosophical theories on the nature of knowledge or spirit.

It is an international competition open to students, PhD candidates or researchers who have already published an original work in these fields.

The Prize amount will be of 10’000 Swiss Francs (US$9,211).

The applications, either in English or in French, must be sent to the Rectorate of the University of Geneva before May 1st, 2008. The file must include the original work (maximum 20 pages), as well as the candidate’s CV. An abstract of the research could be joined to the application.

Send the file to :

Prix Kaloy International Université de Genève

Rectorat – PBS – Uni Dufour

rue Général-Dufour 24

CH-1211 Genève 4

Or e-mail to ;

The works will be submitted to a nomination committee. The laureate will be informed personally.

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