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Sunday, November 25, 2007


HHMI Janelia Farm Graduate Program

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute offers two programs leading to the Ph.D. based at its Janelia Farm Research Campus, in partnership with the universities of Cambridge and Chicago. These accelerated programs are designed for a small number of well-prepared, highly committed, and gifted students. We offer opportunities for interdisciplinary research in an intense environment.

Most students spend one year at their chosen partner institution followed by three years of research work at Janelia Farm. If you join the program you will have two mentors: one at Janelia Farm and one at the partner university. You will fulfill all the academic requirements of your chosen partner university and your Ph.D. thesis will be examined there.


Our application process is unconventional. We do ask for the usual academic and biographical information and reference letters. However, in addition we will ask you to nominate one (or more) Janelia Farm lab heads to be your mentor (and also one or more at the partner university, if you wish). We then ask you to write a short research proposal targeted to that person's lab. This proposal will be a very significant factor in our admission decisions. During the interview you will be asked to explain this proposal.

The seventeen Janelia Farm lab heads who are interested in recruiting a student are:

Albert Lee
Anthony Leonardo

All applicants must submit their materials via our web site. You will find more detailed application instructions at the application site.


We will review completed applications (including the reference letters) for the Fall 2008 class as they are received. The deadlines for submitting competed applications are:

University of Chicago: December 31, 2007

Apply here

University of Cambridge: April 1, 200

Apply here


You will be fully supported financially while participating in the Janelia Farm graduate program, so long as you remain in good standing academically and are deemed by your committee to be making satisfactory progress.

While in the United States (Janelia or Chicago):
Currently $30,000 per year
Health insurance, plus other benefits

While at the University of Cambridge:
$30,000 per year (paid in UK pounds)
Health care provided by the National Health Service


If you are coming to Janelia from outside of the United States, you are responsible for determining if a visa is required and to apply through your local embassy or consulate. We will sponsor visas for participants to enter the United States, as appropriate and as permitted.

In recent years, this process has become quite slow in some countries, taking up to several months. Therefore, we suggest that you apply for your visa as soon as possible after admission.

Source: HHMI

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