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Saturday, January 13, 2007
Stem Cells Ph.D. and Postdoc Training Programs in US
I am a strong believer that stem cell research highlights the next wave of high technologies in the future. In recent years, training programs of stem cell research have been established in the top universities and institutes.
- Stem Cell Training Program at the University of Wisconsin - Madison Birthplace of stem cell research, University of Wisconsin researcher Jamie Thomson first isolated embryonic stem cells in 1998. Well established graduate and postdoc training prgrams!
- Harvard Stem Cell Institute This site includes information for graduate, MD-PhD programs and advertised post-doc positions.
- The Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine They provide training grants for pre- and postdoctoral candidates, and clinical research fellows after their MD.
- The Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center at UCI The bottom has the links for stem cell graduate program and postdoc positions.
- Center for Stem Cell Biology at University of Michigan Few, but very good researches over there! Worth looking through if you want to find a stem cell lab to join. Seven new faculty will be recuited within next few years.
- University of Minnesota Stem Cell Institute Short term training programs available periodically.
- Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Center at UCSF
- The UCSC Training Program in Systems Biology of Stem Cells Postdoc scholar: a stipend of $51,000 per year and a research allowance of $10,000 per year ; predoctoral scholars: $25,000 per year plus a $5000 research allowance per year. Good deal indeed!
- Stem Cell Training Program at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles PhD and MD post-doctoral Stem Cell Scholars for training in stem cell research, biology and ethics.
- Yale Stem Cell Program Haifan Lin (This links to Lin's interview, some very interesting thoughts), a professor from Duke, has been appointed director effective September 1, 2006. No form program website has been launched so far.
- Duke Stem Cell Research Program
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