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Thursday, January 25, 2007


New York Stem Cell Foundation

The New York Stem Cell Foundation, NYSCF, is wholly privately funded. Since it is free of Federal funds, it is not subject to the Federal restrictions. Based on the current NIH policy, Federal funds only can be used to support research using stem cell lines approved by NIH. There are serious questions about these lines! Please read these: All approved US embryonic stem cell lines may be contaminated! And some comments from GNN: "Many of the lines sanctioned by the president are not available, and some of these lines have patent issues and some were never cell lines to begin with. Many of the cells approved for funding were not cell lines at all but were frozen, uncultured cells."-Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Where Are They?

Unfortunately, sometimes, it is true that Federal requirements substantially inhibit research! NYSCF is a great example that private foundations can further important basic and applied research.

Don't miss it! NYSCF provides travel fellowships for young investigators attend the annual ISSCR meeting and also offers three-Year Post-Doctoral Fellowships. Good news is foreigh applicants are eligible to apply the Post-Doctoral Fellowships but you need to work in New York State. Not bad at all if you are a city-guy!
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